Every engineer, project manager, site supervisor, freight forwarder etc. has a set of spreadsheets that he or she relies on for a variety of reasons and purposes. I am no different in that respect. Two of my spreadsheets stand out as they are extremely useful tools and have been field tested and improved for over 15 years. I decided to make these commercially available. Both sheets will save you lots of time in the preparation phase of a project and you will earn back the investment on one or two projects.
Stability calculations for hydraulic transporters
This spreadsheet started as a simple stability check, now it is an extensive sheet that can be used for any brand; Scheuerle, Goldhofer, Kamag, Cometto, Faymonville, Nicolas and even the Chinese brands.
No other program can claim this.
It takes into account real life situations that are user defined;
– Center of Gravity offset
– wind force
– curves and bends
– acceleration / deceleration
– longitudinal and transverse road gradients
– suspension configuration (3-points vs. 4-points)
It will tell you if a proposed configuration will work or not, how much lashing you need and in which direction. It also analyses if the stability is adequate from a hydraulic and structural point of view. Furthermore it determines ground pressure and, most importantly, the applicable stability angles.
Contact me at for pricing and customization options.
Stability calculations for barge roll-on / roll-off operations
Recently updated spreadsheet for roll-on and roll-off calculations that;
– checks if the barge has sufficient ballast capacity
– checks if there is sufficient stability (KM vs. GM)
– monitors heel / trim
– monitors draft on all corners and midship
– takes into account Center of Flotation, Center of Buoyancy
– can be used for tidal as well as non tidal situations
– can handle multiple transporters under a load
– can deal with multiple pieces loaded out on the same barge
– monitors deck clearance with the jetty
– monitors ramp clearance
– can handle ramps of various lengths
– allows for internal or external ballasting
– monitors elapsed time
– takes into account the “free surface effect”
– can simulate both bow and stern load out/in
This program is set up in a flexible way, it can produce a ballast overview on a single page or a comprehensive detailed overview of as many as 50 pages, each page being a ballast step.
The ballasting program is extremely detailed and thorough, and flexible enough for most any ro-ro operation. It is very well organized and user friendly. It makes my life a lot easier and time effective.
Robbie Gouge, Rigging Engineer, Edwards Moving & Rigging
Contact me at for pricing and customization options.
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